Odie after his grooming


Fern Ridge Bay Watcher
ALAA Australian Labradoodle

  • Size: 28 POUNDS, 17 INCHES

  • DOB: 3/21/2016
  • HIPS: OFA – Normal/Good
  • ELBOWS: OFA – Normal
  • GENETIC TESTS: VWB-Clear. DM-Clear. PRA-PRCD-Clear. EYE CERF-Normal. IC-Clear.

Odie is a multi-generational miniature Australian Labradoodle. We are excited to have him in our breeding program. He will bring the beautiful fleece coat and boxy frame that is so sought after in the Australian Bernedoodle. Odie is producing a great mix of traditional black tri-color, phantom and bi-color puppies in each litter.