Alpine’s Finnegan
F1B Micro Mini Bernedoodle
SIZE: 20 pounds, 15 inches
- DOB: 4/22/24
HIPS: Penn Hip-Good
- ELBOWS: OFA Pending
- CARDIAC: OFA Pending
- PATELLA: OFA Pending
- GENETIC TESTS: IVDD/CDDY-Clear CDPA-Clear DM Regular-1 copy-Not Affected DM-BMD Type-Clear GM2-Clear Osteochondrodyplasis (Dwarfism)-Clear PRA-PRCD-Clear. VWB-Clear.
- COLOR AND COAT TRAITS: at/at ky/ky B/b E/e F/F S/sp m/m curl +/- Intensity 8/10
Maverick, formerly “Glenlivet” from Lexus and Ollie’s “Scotch” litter, is an F1B Micro Mini. He is fully furnished with a soft, mild wave non-shedding hair coat with rich coloring. He has a smart, fun temperament and has been very easy to train. Maverick is Mr. Social with a full body tail wag, and loves to snuggle. We are looking forward to Maverick’s first litters coming soon.